Here's a list of winter activities to keep your veins healthy!

The winter weather brings about new considerations for how to properly care for your veins. We recently talked about how to care for your veins in the cold weather, and now we are going to focus on winter activities and how they can impact your vein health. As mentioned in that article, you must remain active—even during the wintertime—to promote vein health. Let's take a deeper look into specific winter activities you can do to promote vein health:

Snow Workouts

Snowshoeing and cross-country skiing are great winter activities to keep your legs moving and your veins healthy. This is because these sports work the calf muscles, allowing the blood to flow from the lower veins back to the heart. Snowshoeing and cross-country skiing are also fairly low-impact, which is great for people who struggle with symptoms of varicose veins, as these exercises will not cause further pain or discomfort. They're also a fantastic way to get out and take in winter's beauty! While most of us don't love shoveling our driveways and scraping the ice off our cars, these hobbies can help you take in the awesome things the season has to offer.


While the colder temps aren't exactly conducive to outdoor biking, many gyms and cycle studios offer spin classes. This type of workout also works the calves, stimulating blood flow. These classes often include fun music to keep you extra motivated. Cycling classes can also be a great opportunity to meet new people!


I can't stress enough how much I've been loving yoga this past year. Yoga is a wonderful exercise for mental health, coordination, flexibility, toning, and so much more. It can even help improve circulation and vein health. One reason this can aid vein health is that certain poses can decrease the force of gravity, which can cause difficulty for the lower veins. Yoga can be very relaxing and allow you to focus on mindfulness and may help alleviate symptoms. Yoga is easily accessible online for you in your own home, but yoga studios are also great.


Walking is great because it can be done anywhere! Malls are a popular option for many people who want to walk indoors. This is the perfect time to get your holiday shopping done, while also taking care of your veins. Many fitness centers also have indoor tracks and elliptical machines, so you can work your calves without causing strain on your lower legs.

Pro Tip: Go to the mall during the early hours to avoid crowds. 


Swimming is another great low-impact exercise. Many gyms and fitness centers have indoor pools, which are great to take advantage of this time of year. Like yoga, swimming also decreases the effects of gravity on your legs. This further increases circulation and provides relief from the pressure on your legs. 

Activities to Avoid

Some activities can create more problems for those struggling with vein disease. Stay away from exercises that decrease circulation and put too much pressure on your legs. Activities such as weight lifting, squats, sit-ups, crunches, and high-intensity running should be avoided. 

Remember, it's always best to consult with professionals! They will best be able to help guide you in which exercises are right for you. For those living in Colorado, check out American Vein & Vascular Institute. These experts provide consultations and a variety of treatment options.

Cheers to a lovely winter season and healthy veins!