If Brood X is emerging in your area, then your neighborhood has become an all-you-can-eat bug buffet.

The 17-year emergence of these red-eyed insects is not just about noise pollution, as many are finding out. Veterinarians are fielding questions about cicadas as snacks left and right.

Just how many cicadas can your pet ingest before having issues? The answer is: it depends. If you've got chickens, then let them go nuts. Dogs, however, should be monitored when outside if you notice them going after these crunchy treats.

According to the Food and Drug Administration's Center for Veterinary Medicine, the cicadas' exoskeletons can be hard on your dog's digestive tract and also cause choking in smaller breeds. While you don't have to worry about toxicity, eating too many of the winged creatures can definitely take a toll over time.

The American Kennel Club paints a bleak picture of the trouble that can occur if your dog overindulges: bloody stools, potential allergic reactions, vomiting, and upset stomachs are all symptoms to watch for. Bottom line, it's all about how many cicadas they eat.

If you haven't seen your own pets go nuts on these noisy seasonal visitors, here are some Tweets about how other pet parents are handling this phenomenon:

If you think you notice some of the symptoms listed above, you may want to start limiting your dog's unsupervised outdoor time. Go on walks instead of leaving them in the yard for extended periods, and keep track of the cicada progression in your neighborhood. Even after the insects die off, those exoskeletons will be around for a while. Be vigilant until the wave of Brood X is really gone.

Are your dogs gorging themselves on cicadas? Have you noticed any negative effects? Tell us about it in the comments, especially if you've found a way to keep your dog from overindulging.