While the gym may be your first thought for exercise, the pool can also provide an amazing workout. 

One of the obvious reasons to start a swimming regimen is how much fun it is! But there are many more benefits to getting your laps in, too, so get that suit on!


Wake Up Those Muscles

Swimming is definitely going to use your entire body. You'll be stretching muscles you may not know you even had. Don't worry if you get really sore after your first few forays into the pool. That will go away over time.

If you find yourself struggling with a full range of motion in your arms, take a break with a foam kickboard and work your legs. You can also walk laps in the shallow end and do modified breast stroke movements with your arms as you go.


Unlike a simple run, there is built-in resistance in the water – 12-14 percent more than exercising on land, to be exact. That means each lap is accomplishing more than just getting from one end of the pool to the other.


Swimming provides an effective workout without putting undue stress on your joints. The buoyancy of the water makes it ideal for overweight people who may be hesitant or scared to injure themselves. You can always take a break and hit the hot tub when you're done, adding even another aspect of stress-relief.


If you're looking for a place to try a swimming regimen, check your county rec centers. Many of them have both lap and leisure pools, hot tubs, and saunas. Add in the weight and cardio equipment, racquetball courts, and other amenities for an all-around summer of exercise.

One of the best things about swimming is that you don't need a ton of expensive equipment. A comfortable swimsuit and a pair of goggles, and you're ready to hit the water.

**All photos courtesy of Pexels.

What do you think about swimming for your weekly workouts? Do you have any tips for newbies? Let us know in the comments!