The incessant itching, the unsightly redness ...

You do your best to avoid it with bug sprays and loose clothing, but the occasional mosquito bite is inevitable in the summer months. Who wants to wear a beekeeper's outfit to a picnic in the park?

Here are some tried-and-true remedies for relieving the sting of bug bites this summer!

The Mayo Clinic recommends a cold compress and Calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream. The trick here is to de-escalate the itching to allow the bite to heal faster. Problems develop when frantic scratching leads to open wounds and worse.

"If they itch (sic) it hard enough, or depending on what they use to itch their skin, they can cause a break in their skin. They can develop a bacterial infection," Dr. Summer Allen, Family Medicine Physician at Mayo Clinic.


If you prefer more natural solutions, try some fresh aloe gel, according to Healthline. It has anti-inflammatory properties and can help with minor skin irritations. Simply cut and apply a small section of an aloe plant's spiky leaf directly to the affected area. It will feel slimy, then sticky, but should dry in a few minutes. Repeat as necessary.

Other holistic skin soothers include a cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar, a baking soda and water paste, or even an oatmeal compress.


Though not a bite, a sting from a wasp or bee can also be quite painful. Avoid the urge to swat at a feeding wasp flying around your picnic table – they sting when they feel threatened. If you do get stung, use fine tweezers to remove the stinger and apply a cold cloth to the area to relieve some of the discomfort. 

According to Medical News Today, the pain and swelling from a bee or wasp sting should go away in a few days, but you should look out for symptoms of an allergic reaction. Anyone who has trouble breathing, extreme swelling, rash, or fever should seek immediate medical attention.

Do you have a favorite home remedy for bug bites? A natural concoction you developed and swear by? Tell us about it in the comments!