With all of the new products on the market, it's hard to know how best to treat your fresh produce. Here's what the experts have to say about it.

We've all been there – you get caught up in the colors and variety at the farmers' market and you buy a ton of fruits and veggies. You've got bags full of fresh produce and yet you hesitate before taking a bite. What's the best way to make sure it's clean? Should you reach for the fancy fruit and vegetable wash? Or will a quick rinse under the tap be enough?

vegetables, basket

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), simply washing your produce with cool tap water is all you need to do. If you choose to peel your vegetables, rinse them before doing so to avoid getting surface dirt on the cut side.

Things like leafy greens that grow directly in the ground should be swished or soaked in cool water to remove all dirt and grit. Drain the leaves in a colander or use a salad spinner to dry them before eating. Leeks and herbs are also especially sandy. The FDA suggests removing the outer leaves of lettuce and cabbages before washing them, so don't skip that step!

Other ground-dwelling veggies like carrots or potatoes could benefit from a quick scrub with a vegetable brush, especially if you're buying them from a farmers' market. You can find a soft vegetable brush in your grocery store's produce aisle or online.


Some delicate fruits like strawberries should only be washed right before eating them. Too much handling can bruise berries, causing them to go bad sooner. If you do find a bruised or moldy spot on your fruit or vegetables, it's perfectly fine to cut it off before cooking or eating. 

**All of the photos in this article are courtesy of Pexels.

So how about it? Do you do anything special to wash your fresh produce? Let us know in the comments!