Miss your friends? You're not alone!

We're six months into a worldwide pandemic, and social distancing is still a major news story. It's not as easy as it was before to get together with your friends or even your family.

Here are some safer ways to socialize in the age of COVID-19.

Shop 'til you drop.

Grocery shopping is something we've all had to get comfortable with, despite public health concerns. When you think about it, this is the perfect way to kick off a social outing after a long drought.

Meet up at your local supermarket, make sure you wear a mask, and get your weekly shopping done while catching up. With a cart-length between you, it's easy to maintain your distance, and having company will make you look forward to your next trip to the grocery store.

Hit the dog park.

Not only are you outdoors, but your four-legged friends will benefit from a play date, too. Pack your own snacks, along with your water bowls and treats. If you don't have a dog park nearby, take your leashed buddies for a long walk at your local hiking trail or in your neighborhood. 

Pack a picnic.

Speaking of parks, a simple picnic is a great way to meet up outdoors. Separate blankets on the grass or long picnic tables make social distancing easy. Put a fun spin on it and get individual takeout meals to enjoy. 

It's fire pit time!

Let's face itā€”hanging out at someone's house but staying outside is kind of weird. Add a fire pit and all of a sudden, it's the best thing in the world! Make sure everyone has their own camp chair and plenty of supplies for s'mores or hot dogs. Who doesn't love sitting around a fire?


Courtesy of Unsplash

Pick up a paddle.

Get out on the water for some outdoor fun. Whether you rent canoes, kayaks, or paddleboards, this is the perfect time of year to meet up on a river or lake. You could easily spend the entire day together, getting exercise and a bit of sun before fall settles in with its cooler temperatures.


Yesterday the weather was probably the prettiest itā€™s ever been when weā€™ve gone kayaking on the Shenandoah River. šŸ›¶ There was cool breeze the entire morning and it felt amazing. We went 8 miles and had the time of our lives. There is nothing like the river for me. Itā€™s so peaceful, calm, and the views are absolutely breathtaking. I guess the weather was too perfect so it had to take it all back, cause today itā€™s 100 percent chance of rain. šŸ˜…šŸŒ§ I guess thatā€™s why itā€™s so important to enjoy every second of the moment youā€™re in! ā€¢ Hope you all enjoy every second of your day today. Happy Monday. šŸ˜˜āœØ

A post shared by Kelsea Cozadd (@kelseacozadd) on

Have you been getting together with your friends lately? What group activities have you tried? Let us know in the comments!