One of the most anxiety-inducing events at work is the dreaded annual performance review. Here are some easy coping mechanisms to help you through it.

If the thought of sitting down with your boss to discuss your work gives you heart palpitations, you're not alone. The annual exercise of summing up employees' performance is common to all types of jobs and industries.

Don't let this annual chore cause you sleepless nights and unchecked anxiety. Before you get ready to go into yours, keep these tips in mind.

1. This isn't fun for anyone.

Trust me on this: your boss has to both motivate you and judge you, all in the same meeting. Keep cool and try to stay in "listening mode" without freaking out over a perceived slight.

2. Dust off your mental filing cabinet.

The biggest part of any good evaluation will be constructive feedback on things you can do differently. Have a pen and paper handy to jot down notes, but also focus on how the advice is being delivered.

Does your boss fidget before mentioning your late arrivals? You'd better work on that before the year goes by. No eye contact at the mention of meeting deadlines? Tighten up your communication and try to fix that too. Visual cues often tell you things that aren't being said aloud.

3. Don't take it personally.

Easier said than done, I know. The thing is, you're there to do a job and it may not always be a good fit. Likewise, don't go in there all cocky and arrogant; the meeting should be "give and take."

4. Go in with your own list of accomplishments.

Make a list of things you've done well in the past year. Focus on hard numbers and events that are easily remembered and acknowledged. When you're given the opportunity to provide your own input, go down the list and make sure your boss knows your part in each success.

5. Be honest.

This is a great time to tell your boss how things are going in your professional life. Don't throw people under the bus, but talk about challenges you have had to overcome and what you're doing to work better in your current role. If you're unhappy, find a way to get this message across and see if any positive changes can come from your discussion.

How do you like to prepare for your annual performance review at work? Share your tips for getting through it stress-free in the comments!