For a time of year that’s supposed to be all about peace and joy, we spend an awful lot of our energy in November and December just running around.

When the pre-Thanksgiving Christmas music on the radio starts to get to you … when you’re stuck in a mini-traffic jam trying to find a parking place for the school pageant … when the need to squeeze one more thing onto your weekend calendar makes your blood pressure spike, it’s time to stop. Pause. Breathe. And do a little self-care.

Turn off the noise, step away, and take a deep, cleansing breath that fully fills your lungs. Then let it out slowly. Take a moment to appreciate what a gift it is to be alive, to breathe, and to have this time of year to pause and enjoy our homes, the season, and the people we care about.

Taking the time to care for yourself right now really, really matters. Here are a few of our tips for how to give yourself a little extra dose of care and comfort to reduce stress and increase your enjoyment of this special time of year:

Read on to learn about relaxation and self-care tips.