This year, World Mental Health Day is focusing on suicide prevention.  The World Health Organization (WHO) is encouraging you to spend 40 seconds of action to raise awareness on this issue.

Every year, on October 10, people participate in World Mental Health Day activities. For 2019, the focus of many events and organizations will be incorporating the theme of suicide prevention.

According to World Health Organization (WHO), someone takes their own life every 40 seconds, somewhere in the world. Among people aged 15-29, suicide is the second-highest-ranking cause of death. WHO is highlighting the many ways you can raise awareness in just 40 seconds.

  • Take to social media to share the message, using #40seconds on your post. 
  • If you're an employer, talk to your staff about mental health resources that you offer.
  • Teachers, counselors, and those who work with at-risk individuals can tap into WHO and other organizations for videos, flyers, and other resources.
  • If you are personally struggling, talk to someone—at least open a conversation about how you're feeling.

Globally, events are being planned to further spotlight suicide prevention. Twitter is already starting to show messages of support and an international sharing of resources.

Just by reading this article, you've taken the first step in participating in this 2019 World Mental Health Day initiative. Is there more that you can do?

For more information, check out the World Health Organization's website and their toolkit flyer on getting the word out.

Will you be participating in the #40Seconds initative? Let us know how in the comments.