Say "Adios" to 2020 by pummeling a piñata.

New Year’s Eve is obviously going to look a little different this year. In years past, people would attend parties, congregate in city squares, or watch the ball drop from the comfort of their living rooms. Even if you’re not going out, you can still celebrate with the traditional hats, sunglasses, and New Year’s Eve party favors. Planet Fitness, one of the sponsors of the Times Square annual New Year’s Eve party, is offering up its traditional party favors for you to use at home. 

The fitness company is selling a special NYE piñata complete with fillers like hats, treats, and fitness-related products. You can buy them now at for $20.21. The piñatas will ship on December 21.

Oh, and did we mention that 21 lucky people will find a free one-year membership to Planet Fitness inside? The promotion is designed to help people kick 2020 to the curb and focus on a prosperous 2021.

Planet Fitness piñata
Courtesy Planet Fitness


"This year has been challenging for everyone, and releasing frustrations and stress in a fun and safe way with our piñata party packs will help everyone move forward – and actively put 2020 behind us with a 'bang,'" said Jeremy Tucker, chief marketing officer at Planet Fitness. "In taking a few swings to release the mental and physical stress we've all been carrying for months, we can ring in a Judgement Free 2021 with hope and inspiration, ready to get moving and stay moving in the new year and beyond.”

Planet Fitness is also the sponsor of a lesser-known holiday called “Good Riddance Day”. On Monday, December 28, a giant Planet Fitness piñata will be placed in Times Square in New York City as a symbol. You can join in by using the hashtag #GoodRiddanceDay on social media to describe all the things you will be happy to get rid of in 2020.