Women aren't the only ones affected by varicose veins.

While varicose veins may be more common in women, men can also struggle with this. About 45% of men develop varicose veins at some point. Today, we will look at how varicose veins affect men and some tips for managing them.

Risk Factors

Many things may contribute to varicose veins, whether you are a man or a woman. Risk factors for developing varicose veins include obesity, aging, sedentary lifestyles, standing or sitting for long periods, smoking, alcohol, and extra stress on legs through impact or weight.


Although men are at a lesser risk of varicose veins than women, the consequences are likely to be more serious. Men make up 75% of hospital admissions for varicose veins. This could be because men are less likely to visit the doctor.

How to Manage Varicose Veins

It can be easy for many of us to ignore health concerns that don't seem serious. However, if you are experiencing symptoms of varicose veins, you should seek care. Though it may not necessarily seem like an urgent concern, varicose veins have the potential to develop into something more serious. Therefore, it's best to be proactive when dealing with any health issue.

For example, American Vein & Vascular Institute is an excellent network of vein and arterial diagnosis and treatment centers where you can seek care and learn more about promoting vein health.

In addition to receiving professional care, there are methods you can do on your own to help with proper vein health, such as moving around throughout the day, elevating your legs, limiting smoking and alcohol, and staying hydrated! Staying active can prevent the blood from pooling in your veins and varicose veins from appearing or worsening.

Women and men can both be susceptible to varicose veins. No matter who you are, remember that your body is essential! Take proper care of yourself, and visit a medical professional if you are experiencing any health concerns.