As the weather grows warmer and we enter summer, we must be mindful of how the heat affects our dogs and cats. The last thing any pet owner should do during this time of year is to spend an agonizing day at the vet's office, which is why we collected some tips on keeping Scruffy healthy all summer long.

Tips for Keeping Your Pets Safe in the Summer Heat:

  • Have clean, fresh water at the ready. 
  • If there's no shade available, make your own with a tarp or pop-up canopy.
  • Visit the vet to ensure your pet is free of fleas, ticks, and heartworm, as these are more present in warm weather.
  • NEVER LEAVE A PET IN A PARKED CAR. Cars overheat very quickly, which will trigger heat stroke. View laws by state.
  • Be aware of overheating symptoms in pets which include (but are not limited to) rapid heart and respiratory rate, breathing difficulties, weakness, excessive panting, bloody diarrhea, vomiting, and a body temperature that goes over 104 degrees Fahrenheit. 
  • Take your pets outdoors in the cooler hours of the day.
  • If your dog went swimming, always rinse off their fur and stop them from drinking chlorinated pool water. 
  • Trim your pet's fur but don't shave them.
  • Keep herbicides and insecticides away from pets. If you suspect your dog or cat may have ingested one of these substances, call your veterinarian immediately.
  • Avoid hot asphalt. Dogs absorb and release heat through their paws and these sensitive areas burn very easily.