As we head into the Fourth of July weekend, many folks around the country will celebrate our independence with barbecues, drinks, and—of course—fireworks! But let us not forget that while the rowdy celebrations may be fun for us humans, it's a very stressful time for our furry friends. 

Sadly, many pets become so frightened and scared by the loud booms and bright colors of fireworks that they run away and become lost. Some may even suffer from severe or even fatal health effects due to the stress. In addition, the casings and leftover materials from the fireworks could be consumed by wildlife and pets, which are not digestible and could become choking hazards or toxic to the animals.

So, as you enjoy your Fourth of July weekend, please keep these pet safety tips in mind:

Tips to Keep Your Pets Safe With Fourth of July Fireworks:

  • Turn on some soft music and place your pet into an interior room with no windows, or in your basement. The goal is to keep your dog or cat as far into the house as possible, away from the loud fireworks.
  • Placing a tight-fitting t-shirt on your pet can help ease their anxiety. ThunderShirts are made for this very purpose!
  • Talk with your veterinarian to see if it would be the best fit to place your dog or cat on anti-anxiety medication. However, please note that you may want to give your pet a "practice dose" the night before the Fourth of July, to get your pet used to the medicine; never share the medication with another pet or give more than the prescribed dose.
  • If you set off fireworks at home, make sure you clean up the area thoroughly, as your pet may be likely to lick or taste something that could cause serious and even fatal issues.

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