Here are 4 reasons to regularly get tested for STDs!

STD testing is essential to maintaining good health, however uncomfortable it may be to discuss. This is especially important for young people, as people aged 15-24 make up half of all new STD cases per year, according to the CDC.

STDs, otherwise known as sexually transmitted diseases, are transmitted through intimate genital contact. It is important to note that this also includes contact between the genitals and the mouth or anus. Symptoms may include bumps or rashes on the genitalia, anus, or mouth, itching of the genital area, and painful urination, to name a few. Anyone sexually active is considered at risk for contracting an STD. In some cases, STDs can spread through direct contact with infected skin.

Today, we will examine why this is so important for all of us as regular health maintenance:

*Please note: STDs are also commonly called STIs, or sexually transmitted infections, but are used interchangeably.*

You May Be Asymptomatic

Just because you don't show obvious signs of an STD doesn't mean you're in the clear. For this reason, regular screenings are a necessary precaution. Unchecked STDs can harm not only yourself but also your sexual partners. Therefore, to keep everyone safe and healthy, you should get tested for STDs regularly. Getting tested for STDs once a year is recommended, but you may want to go more frequently if you have multiple partners. 

"Virginity" Doesn't Guarantee You're STD-Free

In recent years, there has been a lot of discussion about what virginity means. While "virgin" has commonly referred to anyone who has not had penetrative intercourse, there are other types of sex one can have. Nowadays, everyone seems to have their own opinion of appropriately defining virginity. Even if you've had no sexual contact, there are some cases, as mentioned, where STDs can be spread through contact with infected skin. Oral herpes, for example, can be transmitted through affection from friends and family members. 

Treatment Requires a Diagnosis

Of course, hearing you have an STI can be unpleasant news, but it's better to know as soon as possible. Some STIs are easiest to treat early on, such as HIV. Once you have received a diagnosis, your provider can devise a treatment plan. If you're going to take steps to treat the issue, you need to know that it even exists.

More Serious Concerns Could Develop

STDs can be minor, but they also have the potential to develop into more severe concerns, which is another reason why it's so important to get tested for these diseases. For example, gonorrhea and chlamydia can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PIV) in females, leading to infertility or an ectopic pregnancy. If you can catch an STD early enough, you have a greater chance of preventing these health issues. 

By now, you should be able to see why getting tested for STDs is so important if you are sexually active. Luckily, OnPoint Urgent Care offers STD testing and treatment at various locations. These urgent care facilities are an awesome convenience when it comes to STD testing, as well as other concerns.

I know STD testing can be an uncomfortable and even scary topic to approach, but it could be even worse to be unaware of a potentially serious issue. Even though it may be embarrassing, STIs are very common, and if you do have one, you aren't alone. It is essential to take care of your health, including your sexual health. This is not to scare anyone but to encourage people to take the best safety practices possible!