7 tips for avoiding the cold and flu.

It's that time of year when it seems like everyone is sniffling and sneezing up a storm. Of course, none of us like being sick, but unfortunately, fall and winter bring about cold and flu season. The good news is that there are certain measures we can take that can help us to stay healthy during these times. Let's take a look at some tips for avoiding catching a cold or flu.

Be Mindful of Touching Your Face

It's easy to rub our eyes or scratch our noses mindlessly, but these things are important to pay attention to. This is especially true when it comes to the cold and flu season. When you touch something that has germs on it, touching your eyes, nose, or mouth afterward is one way you can become sick. Pay attention to the things you are touching, and try to remember not to touch your face if you can avoid it.

Wash Your Hands

We've all been told from a young age about the importance of washing our hands. In some cases, soap and water may not be available, in which case, you can use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. When washing your hands, be sure to lather up the front and back, under the nails, and between your fingers. Do this for at least 20 seconds. A good way to keep time, other than simply counting, is to sing "Happy Birthday" two times. Rinse thoroughly and dry.

Keep Your Distance

If you have to be around someone who is sick, try to maintain a safe distance. This will help to avoid the spread of germs. Do not knowingly spend time with someone who has a cold or flu if you have the choice.

Stay on Top of Laundry

Germs can spread to clothes, bedding, and stuffed animals. Remember the importance of doing laundry regularly. You will want to wash in the hottest water you are able to for the particular fabric. Color-safe bleach is also helpful in killing germs. Don't forget to wash your hands after touching your dirty laundry!

Get a Flu Shot

If you are able to get the flu shot, it is recommended to do so. This is a great way to prevent contracting influenza. You can find flu shots available at pharmacies, urgent care centers, and doctor's offices. OnPoint Urgent Care, for example, does offer flu vaccinations. 

Get Adequate Sleep

It may not always be easy to sleep the recommended amount, especially if you have a busy lifestyle. It is, however, extremely important. Adults should be getting between 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Sleeping for less than 7 hours can increase your chances of becoming sick, as proper sleep helps to strengthen the immune system. The amount of sleep you get can also affect your recovery time if you do happen to get sick. 


Sitting around all day can have negative health effects. Staying active is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This will aid in keeping your immune system in check *Bonus points: will also help keep you happy mentally!*

These are a few good habits to practice while trying to stay healthy during cold and flu season. Take care of yourself! No one wants to be sick, especially with the holidays and seasonal fun going on!