Here’s how to find the perfect tennis club for you!

Tennis is a fantastic sport that helps with fitness and agility! It’s also a whole lot of fun. Joining a tennis club can be a great way to incorporate more activity into your life. But how do you know which tennis club is right for you? Luckily, we can help with that. Let’s look at some things to look out for when searching for a tennis club.

Year-Round Fun

When selecting a tennis club, you will want a place where you can enjoy the benefits year-round. Living in the Denver area, we can experience many types of weather, from hot summers to snowy winters. Look for a club that has indoor and outdoor courts. If indoor courts are climate controlled, that's even better. This means they maintain the perfect playing conditions no matter the outside conditions!

Clay Courts

We recommend a facility that features clay tennis courts. These courts are easier on the joints, preventing injury and creating a more comfortable experience. This is because clay courts are more shock-absorbing than other courts. Clay courts also make for a more effortless learning experience because they allow the tennis ball to have a reduced speed and higher bounce.

Read on to learn more about choosing the right tennis club!
