In New York, owning a vehicle is not always possible or practical. Riding a bicycle is an enjoyable, environmentally-friendly alternative to driving that keeps you in shape and reduces the emissions from gas in the Big Apple. 

Whether you bike for commuting, exercise, or recreation, knowing the rules of the road is crucial to help avoid accidents with other vehicles. If you do get into an accident, contact a New York bicycle accident lawyer to help you with your case. 

You’ll have more peace of mind with a professional on your side to help guide you through all the legalities of an accident. Of course, it’s better to avoid an accident altogether, and this article will help you do just that! 

Here are some tips for staying safe while biking on the road.

Make Sure You Are Using Safe Equipment

Always wear a helmet when riding your bike. Having messy hair when you arrive at the office is worth the safety and peace of mind you get from this necessary protective gear.

Before you ride, be sure to double-check your brakes to ensure you’ll be able to stop when necessary. If there’s a situation where you need to slam on your brakes, you are at risk of getting hurt if your brakes do not have a good reaction time.

Additionally, you should wear bright clothing and use both a headlight and taillight to help drivers see you. This visibility gear is especially crucial if you ride at dawn, dusk, or in the rain. However, it can help you be seen and keep you safer in any condition.

Learn and Follow the Rules of the Road

One of the main reasons for accidents where a cyclist is at fault is that they were not following the law. Just because you are more maneuverable does not mean you should weave in between cars or fly through stop signs and red lights. Travel at a responsible speed, and be sure to use hand signals to communicate when you are about to stop or turn.

Putting your left hand straight out indicates you are about to turn left. Putting your left arm out at a right angle, with your hand pointing up, shows that you are about to turn right. Putting your left arm out at a right angle with your hand pointing to the pavement indicates that you are about to come to a stop.

Just because you are not behind the wheel of a car doesn’t mean that a police officer can’t pull you over and issue you a ticket. Being a responsible biker is an essential part of avoiding accidents.

Be on the Defensive

It is essential to follow the rules of the road, but road laws are not the only thing that will keep you safe on a bicycle. Unless you are riding on a designated “bicycles only” trail, there will be other vehicles and pedestrians with whom you share the road. 

Accidents would be a rare phenomenon if everyone operating a vehicle followed the laws and paid attention to the road. However, people driving cars often have minimal regard for bikers and can needlessly put you in danger by driving on the shoulder, making illegal turns, and generally not looking for bicyclers who share the road with them.

If drivers don’t look out for you, you must look out for yourself. Don’t wear headphones or use your cell phone while you are biking. Be alert and try to anticipate the next moves and actions of cars around you. 

Final Thoughts

Even if you heed all of this advice perfectly, sometimes accidents are unavoidable. By following the advice in this article, you will be able to stay safer on the roads and ensure you and everyone around you can make it to their destination in one piece.