Good arch support leads to an overall healthier lifestyle!

You may not always think about good arch support as a health priority, but poor arch support can lead to some not-so-fun effects.

If you didn't know, there are three arches on the foot—the medial, the lateral, and the metatarsal—and they help to take on the weight of the body and push it forward as you walk, run, and jump. Good arch support is an essential factor that can determine how your feet and legs feel. We are going to take a look at what exactly arch support means, and how it can affect you.

Negative Effects of Poor Arch Support

The upper curve of the foot may flatten out due to poor arch support, and you will notice some unpleasant side effects.

This can make your feet more tired, particularly if you're on them often. You may also notice pain in the arches and heels, which occurs due to strained muscles and ligaments. You could also experience swelling on the inside bottoms of your feet, as well as leg pain and back pain when doing something like standing on your toes.

If your feet have a more excessive angle than most, that is called overpronation (flat feet). This can lead to uneven weight distribution and cause the ankles to roll in. Overpronation also can cause difficulty for your legs and feet to absorb shock and stabilize. This leads to extra stress on your big and second toes and can go on to cause pain and discomfort up to the knees and hips.

Poor Arch Support and Your Lifestyle

Unfortunately, the negative physical effects poor arch support has on the body can lead those who experience them to adopt a less-active lifestyle.

Naturally, when something causes pain or discomfort, it's likely we will avoid it. Avoiding physical activity, however, can ultimately make things worse. You may now struggle to participate in fun activities such as hiking and skiing, which is especially unfortunate when you live in a place like Colorado. Lowering physical activity can cause all kinds of health issues, such as Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

The body is all connected, and issues with one area can often lead to issues in other places, sometimes in more ways than one. That can be seen here as poor arch support, which causes a trickle-down effect.

Ways to Alleviate Issues

The good news is that modern healthcare provides treatment options to help relieve an array of issues.

As always, we recommend talking to your doctor for specific treatment options. If you are experiencing leg pain associated with poor arch support, American Vein & Vascular Institute is a great place to start! There are also some remedies you can do at home to provide some relief from these issues. Additionally, there are arch support devices you may get over the counter or custom-made for you.

While these will not totally cure flat feet, they can certainly help some of the symptoms.

Be sure to buy supportive shoes too. In addition, stretching exercises and physical therapy are also very helpful in these situations. 

Good arch support can impact various aspects of life. That's why it's so important to be aware. I'm sure no one wants to experience any pain or discomfort or miss out on their favorite activities. If you've been noticing pain or discomfort in any of these areas, take a moment to evaluate and seek medical advice on what methods should be implemented into your lifestyle.