Helping your community—made simple.

Giving back to the community can be a wonderful thing, but sometimes, it doesn't seem feasible. If you want to make a difference but can't afford to make a huge donation, there are still many ways to support your local community organizations. Read on for a list of ways to make a difference for less than $20.

ACE Scholarships

Not all children have the same opportunities in life, and their backgrounds can make receiving a quality education difficult. ACE changes this story by providing scholarships to schools that are a better fit for students. While you do have the option to fully sponsor a student, or multiple students, for a year or semester, you can also make smaller, incremental donations that are equally as impactful. By supporting ACE Honor Roll (ACE's monthly giving program), you can make a difference for as little as $10 a month! Support a student from a low-income family and make a difference in their education for years to come. Your support can make a HUGE difference in the lives of many students.


This won't cost you anything other than your time! Finding volunteer opportunities can be easy through websites such as Here, you will be able to filter for options based on location, cause, and skills. Volunteering can encompass many different types of work. Find something you are passionate about, and see how you can donate your time today.

National Network to End Domestic Violence

The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) is committed to creating an environment where there is no longer domestic violence against women. The organization includes shelters and advocacy groups. Domestic violence is the most underreported crime in America, and NNEDV hopes to change that and eliminate domestic violence altogether. You can make a donation of $20 or less and direct where that money goes within the organization. There are also other ways to support the organization, which can be found under their “get involved” tab.

Shop (and Dine) Local

Supporting local businesses is another way to make a difference. This does not necessarily mean spending a ton of money but rather focusing on where you spend your money. The next time you're shopping or going out to eat, look at the local, small businesses in your area for inspiration. Shopping and dining locally means a lot to the businesses in your community. Not to mention, the customer experience and service at these types of businesses are one of a kind. You can support local businesses who need it while having a great time doing it. It's truly a win-win.

These are just a few of the many ways you can make a difference for less than $20. Donations (and supporting local!) don't have to mean writing big checks. Volunteering and supporting local businesses are other ways to make a difference in your community. Whatever your budget, there are ways to help those in your community. Check out these options today, and start making an impact!