Stay Active to Stay Healthy!

It feels great to sit down after a long day! But sitting for too long can have some health risks. Many of us work office jobs, which means we're sitting for the majority of the day. And if you spend a lot of time sitting down, it's worth thinking about how it could be affecting you. Let's take a look at some of the health risks this can cause, and what we can do about it.

Health Concerns

To start, when you're sitting you are a lot less active. Health concerns caused by this inactivity can include obesity, higher blood pressure, high blood sugar, lower back pain, vascular problems which can cause blood clots, and unhealthy levels of cholesterol. Beyond that, sitting for long periods of time can also lead to an increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease and cancer.

According to Mayo Clinic, studies have found that people who sit for over 8 hours a day without any physical activity face a similar risk of death as smokers and people struggling with obesity. Prolonged sitting or inactivity can also lead to mental health issues such as depression, and can even increase the risk of dementia.

Take Action

Luckily, there are things we can do to avoid or alleviate issues caused by prolonged inactivity. One of these, of course, is exercise! 60 minutes of somewhat-intense physical activity each day has been found to counter the effects caused by too much sitting. Physical activity doesn't have to be boring! Living in Colorado means there are plenty of opportunities for hiking, biking, and skiing. If you'd rather stay home, you can still work out! At-home workouts can include activities such as yoga and Zumba. The internet is an awesome resource for workout videos and routines.

There are additional methods you can incorporate into the workday. One thing to keep in mind is the importance of moving around for a bit. It is recommended that we do not sit for longer than 30 minutes at a time without a break. If you can, try to get away from your desk, or wherever you may be sitting, once every half an hour, and walk around and stretch a little. Standing desks are another great way to decrease constant sitting, and they've seemingly grown in popularity over the past few years.

There are other small ways you can get yourself moving during business hours. For example, if you have a question for a coworker, consider walking over to their desk rather than sending a chat or email. If your office is not on the first floor, consider taking the stairs rather than the elevator. These are small steps that will help to lower your inactivity.

Stay proactive about reducing your sedentary state! While it is great to appreciate stillness, we need to remember that our bodies also need to move. Pay attention to your body's needs and don't sit around for hours on end. If you are experiencing any health concerns, remember to talk to your doctor. They are trained to know how to best deal with your health. Stay healthy, and remember to move!