Stay safe this summer.

One of the best parts of summertime is getting to cool down in the water. Whether you're at the beach, the lake, a river, or a creek, there's nothing like getting relief from the hot sun in some natural water. There are, however, some health concerns when it comes to swimming in these bodies of water. It doesn't mean you should stop swimming, but there are some things to keep in mind. Let's take a look at how we can safely enjoy the water this summer.

Check the Weather

It's always important to check the weather if you plan on being outside for a period of time. You don't want to get caught in any thunderstorms. If you do happen to notice a sudden weather change, such as thunder, evacuate immediately. Keep in mind that if you are near a mountain range, it may block your view of the sky. That's why it is important to stay up to date with the weather forecast. If it has recently rained, it is also best to avoid the water, as it may be more heavily polluted and have a stronger current.

Do Your Research

Though you may want to impulsively go play in water you know nothing about, it's much safer and smarter to be prepared. Look up the place you plan on going to and see if there is anything of concern. There may be certain types of bacteria present in the water that can be harmful if they get into your nose or mouth. Be aware of these things and take precautions to avoid potential dangers and health risks. Additionally, some people with certain health conditions may have trouble fighting off germs. Ask your doctor beforehand what they recommend.

Swim in Safe Areas

Some natural bodies of water will have designated swimming areas. If this is the case, you will want to stick to these areas. If swim areas are closed, listen to the signs and stay out of the water. It may be closed off for a variety of reasons, including increased amounts of dangerous bacteria, sharks at the beach, or dangerous rip currents. There are multiple risks you may encounter and it is important to know that those signs are there for a reason, not to kill your fun.

Additional Precautions

Avoid the water if you have any open wounds, as they might become infected. Avoid swallowing the water and be sure to wash your hands before eating for at least 20 seconds. These are other ways bacteria could enter your body if you are not careful. If you are swimming somewhere you have been previously and the water looks cloudier than usual or has a weird smell, do not go in.

Natural bodies of water are an awesome way to beat the heat, but they have some risks. The specific bodies of water will vary in their risks, which is why it is so important to do research and take proper precautions. We want everyone to have a summer that is fun and safe! Stay healthy out there. If you do happen to run into any risks and become sick or injured while swimming this summer, be sure to visit a doctor