Strep Throat vs Sore Throat: What You Need to Know!

Sore throats can be highly uncomfortable and downright painful. While most cases of sore throat are due to common viruses or allergies, sometimes you may have a more severe condition known as strep throat. Today, we’ll go over what typical symptoms your body may be experiencing with both conditions, how the illnesses differ, and how to get tested for a concrete diagnosis and treatment.


A sore throat (commonly referred to as pharyngitis) is often caused by viral infections such as the common cold and allergies. Sore throats can also produce a cough and may be accompanied by a runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, and a cough, among other symptoms.

While the common cold is a viral infection, strep throat is a bacterial infection caused by the bacteria group A Streptococcus. Unlike a sore throat, strep does not produce a cough. It can cause symptoms such as a sore throat, but it goes beyond that. Strep throat can also cause pain when swallowing, red tonsils with white spots, fever, headache, abdominal pain, appetite loss, and swollen lymph nodes. While viral illnesses can have some similar symptoms, you should get tested for strep if you are experiencing any of these symptoms in order to discover if you may, in fact, have strep throat.


Another big difference between a sore throat and a strep throat is the duration of symptoms. A sore throat caused by a cold typically disappears within 5-7 days.

If you have strep throat, antibiotics should take just a couple of days before you start noticing relief, and treatment will generally last for 10 days. You should be able to return to daily activities after being on antibiotics for 1-2 days and not having a fever, but your provider will advise you when it is safe.

Treatment for Each

When it comes to treating sore throat and strep throat, a few different options are available. For a sore throat caused by a virus, the best course of action is usually to let the virus run its course. Home remedies such as drinking plenty of fluids, sucking on hard candy or lozenges, gargling salt water, and taking over-the-counter pain relievers can help make the symptoms more bearable while your body fights off the infection.

Strep throat, however, requires a different treatment. A doctor can take a swab of your throat and test it for the presence of the Group A Streptococcus bacteria in order to determine if you do, in fact, have strep. Antibiotics will effectively fight the bacteria that cause strep throat, and they must be taken as prescribed in order to work. In addition to antibiotics, it’s important to rest and drink plenty of fluids to help your body fight off the infection.

At the end of the day, it’s important to listen to your body and pay attention to any changes in how you feel. Sometimes, a sore throat can indicate something more serious than a common virus or allergy. You can control your sore or strep throat and feel better soon with proper diagnosis and treatment.

If you are concerned about a sore throat, check out OnPoint Urgent Care. Their experienced providers can help you get the care and treatment you need. It is also important to note if you have been exposed to strep throat, as it can spread through contact. If you think you may have strep, don't neglect to get tested to receive the proper treatment. Stay healthy out there, and remember to visit a healthcare provider if you are experiencing any health concerns!