Planning a trip to the spa? Don’t forget to give your legs and feet some extra attention.

When you think of spa treatments, you probably think of massages, facials, and seaweed wraps. But spas also have treatments that target your legs and feet. There’s nothing more satisfying after a long day on your feet than a nice foot massage. Leg and feet centered spa treatments can also improve overall health. Massage helps improve circulation, decrease water retention, and prevent varicose and spider veins. Here are four specialized treatments that will get you on your way to healthy feet and legs.

Foot and Leg Massage

What used to be part of a full-body massage has become a treatment of its own. Visit any spa and you’ll find stand-alone foot massages on the menu. They usually run anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and a half and can incorporate hot stones, foot exfoliation, and aromatherapy. Along with easing sore feet and legs, a massage will increase circulation.

spa room
Courtesy Pexels


Reflexology is a foot massage that incorporates pressure points reflecting the organs and systems of the body. The reflexology practitioner can put work on points on your foot to improve function—say in your brain, liver, or kidneys. It also works on muscle groups like shoulders, neck, or the sciatic nerve. A reflexology massage also offers overall benefits like improved circulation, boosting the immune system, and promoting healing.


Cryotherapy uses extremely cold temperatures to treat pain, arthritis, inflammation, and dermatological conditions. The body is exposed to temperatures as low as 238°F for one to three minutes that jump starts a healing process in the body. After the cold retreats, blood rushes in to heal and rejuvenate the muscle. Cryotherapy can be delivered to the whole body or to areas like the legs and feet. 

cryotherapy chamber
Courtesy Christa Emmer

Compression Therapy

Designed for athletes to help speed muscle recovery, compression therapy uses air-filled devices to compress arms and legs. The sleeve is placed over the limb and compressed air is pulsed around it. The controlled massage helps reduce inflammation, flush out the lymphatic system, and improve circulation to accelerate muscle recovery. This therapy is great for people recovering from an injury and for people who spend the workday on their feet.

Any other spa treatments we missed on our list? Let us know in the comments below.