Sushi: A Healthy and Delicious Meal.

Sushi is a delicious meal! But did you know it also has health benefits? That means there's even more reason to love it! Let's take a look at some of the ways sushi is good for your health!

Sushi Is Packed With Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Sushi is full of omega-3! These fatty acids or oils are beneficial in a number of ways. Some of these benefits include a lowered risk of cardiovascular disease, reduced risk of blood clots, and decreased triglyceride levels. Fish is the best food source for omega-3, but some plants contain them as well. The body cannot make omega-3 fatty acids on its own, meaning sushi is an awesome (and tasty!) source. They are also essential for good health, meaning it's very important we get them through our diets.

Sushi Can Improve Mood and Brain Function!

Sushi can also work as a mood stabilizer. This is because fish oil has the potential to help with conditions such as bipolar disorder and psychosis if you eat sushi regularly. Beyond that, fish oils have high amounts of B-12, a vitamin that promotes good moods and works to help alleviate depression, anxiety, and brain fog. The omega-3 fatty acids nurture and restore brain cells. Fish is also packed full of other proteins and fats that help with concentration. Maybe grab some sushi the next time you need a little brain food! 

Sushi Strengthens Your Immune System

Cold and flu season is approaching, which means it's a great time to check in on your immune system. The good news is sushi is one way to help improve it. This is because it is full of minerals such as zinc, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron. These are all great for immunity and energy levels! Sushi also contains high levels of Vitamin C, which is more prevalent in vegetarian sushi. 

Sushi Can Ease Inflammation and Nausea 

Sushi is often served with, or may even contain, ginger. Ginger is a great way to ease stomach pain and inflammation. Gingerol, shogaol, and paradol are all present in ginger, and they are the reason ginger is anti-inflammatory. Do you remember drinking ginger ale as a kid with a tummy ache? These days, I still love using ginger in different ways to soothe an upset stomach, including ginger mints and sushi ginger. 

Sushi Aids With Muscle Repair

Because sushi is rich in proteins, it is a great post-workout meal to repair your muscles. Carbs from the rice are also useful in growing and healing muscles. Sushi is also low in saturated fat. It basically has a really great combination of all the right ingredients! The particular balance of rice and fish works well for rebuilding muscles. 

There are so many reasons to love sushi! Now, you can add even more to your list. If you live in Colorado, check out Motomaki for big sushi rolls and sushi bowls. They have plenty of yummy healthy options.