Nothing to see here, just a guy trying to get his cheese on.

This viral video has taken the world by storm. Watch as this poor YouTuber, Tasty Hoon, tries to activate a cheese fountain.

Anyone who has ever used a chocolate or cheese fountain will tell you that the sauce has to be melted BEFORE you put it in the machine. Clearly, dude didn't get the memo.


😳🤯🤣 #tastyhoon #cheesefoundue

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Social media has embraced this video as the quintessential 2020 experience. We feel you, Tasty Hoon.

You'll be happy to hear that he was eventually able to get the fountain working and all of that tasty chicken didn't go to waste. Bon appétit, my friend, bon appétit.


To see more of Tasty Hoon's adventures, or to see the entire cheese fountain video, you can check out his YouTube channel here. Just be forewarned, he'll have you craving Korean fried chicken and cheese sauce in no time.

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