Richmond, Virginia, has a new TikTok dance star, and her name is Morgan Bullock.

On a platform known for practical jokes and scandalous dancing, it's refreshing to see someone get noticed for her creativity.

The story starts with a simple TikTok video of a popular dance challenge featuring the hit song, "Savage." Morgan has been studying Irish dance for 11 years and her combination of an original Irish step routine with the viral song racked up thousands of views.

Twitter is where it gained even more traction, with thousands of retweets and even some controversial discourse about cultural crossovers. After stomping out the haters, Morgan caught the eye of some pretty famous people, including the producers of Riverdance and the show's composer, Bill Whelan.

Morgan has even been featured on some Irish talk shows, discussing the concept behind her video and how she handled some of the negative fallout on Twitter.

What do you think of this dancing phenom? Would you go see her in Riverdance? Sound off in the comments!