Nothing's spookier than Halloween at Dunder Mifflin ...

Every sitcom, at one point or another, has dedicated a few episodes of its seasons to the holidays. For instance, Friends is known for its Thanksgiving-themed episodes, while How I Met Your Mother created running jokes with its Halloween-centric episodes. Over the course of its nine-season run, The Office aired six Halloween episodes.

As with other holiday-themed episodes, like the Christmas ones, these Halloween-themed episodes of The Office have some tricks and some treats. So, we've gone ahead and created a definitive ranking of the best Halloween episodes of The Office. Enjoy!

*Please note that the following episodes of The Office are listed in descending order.

No. 6: "Here Comes Treble" (Season 9, Episode 5)

dwight pumpkin the office halloween

When Andy invites his Cornell a cappella group to perform at the office's Halloween party, things don't go as planned. Meanwhile, Pam is angry with Jim about an investment he makes in a sports marketing company. Though, I guess I could've ranked this one higher just for the classic moment of Dwight getting a pumpkin stuck on his head ... talk about a GIF-able moment! But to be honest, not much of a fan of this season (or the previous one), mostly due to the lack of Michael Scott shenanigans.