The actress who brought Mary Ann Summers to life on the popular television series was 82.

Actress Dawn Wells, best known for her iconic role as Mary Ann Summers on Gilligan's Island, has died. She was 82.

According to Wells's publicist, she died of COVID-19-related causes on Wednesday morning.

"Mary Ann wasn't just a silly and sweet ingenue," Wells wrote in her book. "She was bright, fair-minded and reasonable, and I like to think that's what I brought to her. She was a little more of a Goody Two-shoes than I am.

Every character on Gilligan's Island was given a broad 'stock' comedy role to fill — captain, mate, wealthy man, wealthy wife, professor, movie star — except me. She was given a name and location — Kansas farm girl. I had to fill in the blanks. So, from the get-go, the Mary Ann character was different. She wasn't a Hollywood creation. She was molded by me, from me."

Her death leaves Tina Louise, 86, who played Ginger, as the last surviving cast member of Gilligan's Island.