Ready, set, bake!

The world-famous white tent is packed with amateur bakers again, and you'll find all kinds of delights in the 2021 season. Netflix is streaming new episodes every Friday and the atmosphere is really starting to heat up.

At its core, The Great British Baking Show (as it's known in the U.S.) is a warm-hearted competition featuring talented home bakers from all over the United Kingdom. Unlike other similar contests, participants tend to cheer each other on and help out whenever possible. No sabotage here!

Each week has a central theme, like Bread Week, Cake Week, and even the dreaded Caramel Week. While the beautiful finished products are what we drool over, many of us tune in to catch the disasters too.

This year's competitors have a decidedly international flair, with German Jürgen, Italian Giuseppe, and others adding their own global twists to otherwise classic desserts and breads. If you fall in love with one of their creations, you can click here to see if the recipe has been posted online yet. 

For more information about The Great British Baking Show, check out the official British Bake Off Twitter feed. Be careful though, the U.K. series is a week ahead of us, so avert your eyes if you see any spoilers! Head to Netflix every Friday for new episodes weekly.

Are you a big GBBS fan? Who are our favorite competitors this year? Sound off in the comments!