"The trick is to undercook the onions."

*Originally published on March 2, 2022:

Perhaps one of the most memorable opening sequences in The Office, Kevin Malone walks us through his famous chili as he prepares to bring in a vat into the Dunder Mifflin office building ... only to spill the entirety of the pot's contents on the floor.

Watch the hilarity of that scene unfold below:

Now, if you've ever wanted to make Kevin's Famous Chili, you can! BUT, be warned, there's quite a bit of reading to do. Hidden in Peacock's terms and conditions is Kevin's chili recipe. Yes, it's been right in front of us this entire time.

Really makes you think twice about hitting "Agree" on those user agreements, huh? I can't help but be curious about what other streaming platforms have hidden easter eggs in their terms and conditions ...

The recipe was initially found by McKenzie Floyd on TikTok, who posted a video to the social media platform, saying, "Why was that necessary to put on here?"

We beg to ask, "Why not?"

If you're wondering what Kevin's recipe entails, well, don't expect to find it here. As we said, you've got quite a bit of reading to do! So, go on ... check out Peacock's terms and conditions.