Blow your skirt up, add a dash of Shonda Rhimes, and step back into the world of Netflix's "Bridgerton."

That's right, the newest Netflix binge-fest, Bridgerton, is brought to you by Shondaland and a scandalous set of books by Julia Quinn. Let's just say, these aren't your mother's paperbacks ...

For starters, most of the main characters are young and witty in a decidedly 21st-century way. You may not recognize them, but by the end of the series, you'll be looking up everything else they're in.

Leading man Regé-Jean Page will enchant you as the Duke of Hastings. He's just mysterious enough to be both intriguing and a thirst trap as he smolders on screen.

This first season focuses on Daphne Bridgerton, the eldest daughter of an aristocratic family, during the year of her debut into society. There's the duke, a prince, and enough fascinating siblings to keep you wondering what's going on for eight lovely episodes.

The music may strike you as familiar, even when performed by classical musicians. Yes, that is a Taylor Swift ballad playing during a certain rainy love scene!

Everything from the costumes to the scenery are spot-on gorgeous. Viewers are treated to a glimpse of life and love in the times of King George and all the heartache that follows. By the end of it all, you'll be combing the internet for word of Season 2.

Bridgerton is currently streaming on Netflix in its entirety, so grab a cup of tea, your smelling salts, and settle in. The eight episodes will fly by before you know it.

Have you binged this steamy romantic drama yet? Who is your favorite character? Let us know in the comments!