The series finale will depict the characters as grown-ups.

There are some television shows that stick with you, long after they've ended. Think shows like The Office, Seinfeld, and Avatar: The Last Airbender. Now, Arthur joins that list. After 25 years, Arthur will be ending its historic run on PBS in February—and honestly, it's kind of hard to process.

Some may be wondering, "Didn't Arthur end ages ago?"; while others, like me, are upset that it's ending at all (even though I haven't watched the show in about 20 years!). There's something utterly nostalgic about the classic PBS series, and news of its final season got me right in the feels.

The series finale of Arthur will occur on February 21 with four new episodes that end in a flash-forward, so we'll be able to see grown-up versions of the beloved characters! The episodes will air on PBS and be available for streaming on PBS Kids.

"For more than 25 years, Arthur and his friends have kept viewers learning and growing through their true-to-life experiences," said Sara DeWitt, Senior Vice President and General Manager of PBS Kids, in a statement. "We can’t wait to debut these episodes and introduce new ‘Arthur’ content that will give fans more ways to engage with their favorite aardvark."

In addition, PBS will be hosting an Arthur marathon, showcasing more than 250 episodes and movie specials. The marathon will air on PBS Kids and live stream on the PBS Kids YouTube channel from February 16–21.

Arthur is the longest-running kids’ animated series on television.

Marc Brown, the author of the Arthur Adventure book series in which the television series is based on, has released a new book titled Believe in Yourself: What We Learned From Arthur.

In a statement, Brown said, "It’s amazing that what began as a simple bedtime story for my son eventually evolved into over a hundred books and a collaboration with GBH and PBS Kids that would last 25 years. Now more than ever the last line of my first book Arthur’s Nose rings true—'There is a lot more to Arthur than his nose.'"

Did you watch Arthur growing up? What's your favorite episode? Comment below.