With popular ride-sharing apps like Lyft and Uber, is there room for another app to join? Hovit is the new ride-sharing app you’ve been waiting for!

In recent years, it’s no shock that ride-sharing apps like Lyft and Uber have made an impact on our daily routines. Whether your car breaks down or you’re planning on a night out on the town, a ride-sharing app will be there for you. However, Lyft and Uber aren’t the only options anymore... A team from Denver aspires to add a third app to that list. Hovit is the latest ride-sharing app at your disposal. Since its launch in December, Hovit has gained a large following, with hundreds of drivers and riders. You may be asking yourself, what’s the difference between Hovit and other ride-sharing apps? Well, with every business there are providers and consumers, or in this case, drivers and riders. Most businesses typically focus primarily on the consumers, leaving the providers out of the picture. Hovit wants to change that. [gallery size="large" ids="8927,8928"] Hovit is a Denver-based company that’s primary focus is on its riders and drivers. They want to provide their drivers with the ability to set the fare rates themselves rather than have it set by an algorithm. This gives their drivers the opportunity to not only retain a steady business, but to grow and expand it as well. Hovit’s drivers also receive a larger portion of each fare in comparison to other competitors. On the consumer side, people are able to reserve future rides, giving them a peace of mind and security. They are also able to request specific drivers instead of taking the gamble with a random driver they don’t know. This connects the wide gap between providers and consumers seen in other ride-sharing apps, making Hovit very unique.  While it may be in its early stages, Hovit is the app that will take Denver by storm. Watch out Lyft and Uber, there’s a new app in town!

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