A recent study found that Millennials are the most reckless drivers, surpassing teenagers who previously claimed that title.

Teenagers have always had the reputation of being the most reckless drivers on the road, but there is now new evidence that shifts that line of thinking. Millennials are now considered the worst motorists, according to a study and survey conducted by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. Results found that millennials are more likely to do the following while operating a vehicle: exceed the speed limit by 10 to 15 miles per hour; run a red light; read or send a text message; and finally, be high on marijuana.

“Some of the drivers, ages 19 to 24, believe that their dangerous driving behavior is acceptable.” -David Yang, Executive Director of AAA Foundation for Traffic and Safety

Within the last 30 days, over 88 percent of the millennial drivers admitted they had either run a red light or texted while driving. In comparison with other age groups, it had been found that millennials were 1.6 times more likely to read or send a text message or email, and more than twice as likely to speed in a school zone.

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In 2015, the number of people killed in car crashes was a staggering 35,092, which is a 7.2 percent increase of the previous year. Yang stated that, “It’s critical that these drivers understand the potentially deadly consequences… and that they change their behavior and attitudes in order to reduce the number of fatalities on U.S. roads.” So next time you hit the road, please be cautious and aware at all times. Do not text and drive. Do not speed or run red lights. Be smart and alert when you’re behind the wheel, because your life could be changed in a single instant.

Need some tips on driving safely in the cold weather? Check out this list!