There's a feeling in the air, a buzz of excitement, and a rhythm that gets your feet tapping before your brain even knows what song is playing. If you're a party person in your heart, your calendar most likely includes a special date: Mardi Gras.

The world over, cities large and small transform into spectacles of color, sound, and revelry for this time-honored festival. So, grab your beads and feathers because we're about to embark on a global journey of Mardi Gras celebrations that you shouldn't miss!

5 Best Cities to Celebrate Mardi Gras:

New Orleans, USA

mardi gras parade in new orleans, louisiana
Mardi Gras Parade in New Orleans
Photo by Library of Congress on Unsplash

No Mardi Gras journey is complete without walking the exuberant streets of New Orleans. The "Crescent City" doesn't just host a festival; it is the festival. In New Orleans, there's an unrivaled tidal wave of music, parades, and "Laissez les bon temps rouler" (let the good times roll) that echoes throughout the year. Witness the age-old tradition of krewes (social clubs behind the parades) that host the most glamorous balls and create the most spectacular floats. Plus, savor the flavors of Creole and Cajun cuisine or try some sweetness in the form of King Cake and other Mardi Gras treats.

The history of New Orleans' Mardi Gras dates back to the less-archived pages of the 18th century, influenced by French, Spanish, African, and American cultures.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

carnival in rio de janeiro, brazil, mardi gras
Carnival in Rio de Janeiro
Photo by RioTur, via Carnivalbookers (Facebook)

Down in Brazil, Mardi Gras is less about the beads and more about the beats. Rio de Janeiro's Carnival is a dazzling spectacle of music, dance, and larger-than-life floats. Rio's Carnival attracts millions with its pageantry and its world-renowned Samba schools, thriving all year to compete in a festival they help define.

Plus, the costumes in Rio are not just attire; they’re celebrations of creativity and freedom, expressed through vivid colors and intricate designs. You'll see so many gorgeous costumes and outfits throughout the parades! Then, after the parades, head to Copacabana or Ipanema, where the sand acts as a stage for impromptu gatherings, and the spirit of Carnival continues.

Venice, Italy

mardi gras in venice, italy
Venetian Masks for Mardi Gras
Photo by AXP Photography on Unsplash​​​​

For a Mardi Gras with a pinch of mysterious charm, head to the Venice Carnival where there's a dance of elegance and elusiveness. Amidst Venetian masks and draped in mystery, the city offers a Mardi Gras that is less about pizzazz and more about the enigma of an era gone by.

The best part about Venice is that you don’t have to try too hard. Simply walking the marble streets feels like a masquerade ball straight from history. And while the streets might be full of mask wearers, you can also go on a gondola ride down Venice's serene canals, if you're looking for some solitude from the partying.

Sydney, Australia

mardi gras in sydney, australia
Sydney's LGBTQ Mardi Gras
Photo by Juliette F on Unsplash

Think you need to stick to the Northern Hemisphere for some winter Mardi Gras fun? Think again. Sydney's Mardi Gras, set against a backdrop of Australian summer, is as cosmopolitan as it gets. Sydney's Mardi Gras is emblematic of the city’s ethos—inclusive, vibrant, and unapologetically itself.

The Sydney Harbour serves as the iconic backdrop to one of the biggest LGBTQ+ celebrations in the world, offering performances that light up the night with a spectrum of colors. And the Bondi Beach Drag Races or the infamous Mardi Gras Parade down Oxford Street are more of a show than a tradition.

Nice, France

carnival of nice, italy, mardi gras
Carnival de Nice
Courtesy of Carnival of Nice (Official Website)

The Carnival of Nice might lack the international fame of its Brazilian, American, or Italian counterparts, but it more than makes up for it in local tradition. Nice's Mardi Gras is a floral affair, with celebrations centered on the colorful Battle of the Flowers, where elegance and extravagance collide like the petals of the blooms that give the festival its name.

In addition, Nice’s old town provides a classic backdrop for any festival, where narrow streets lead to lively squares and every turn seems to hide a promise of revelry.

Mardi Gras is a reminder of the world's diversity and its shared love for celebrating life. As you plan your next trip, consider aligning your dates with these Mardi Gras celebrations for a truly international adventure. Whether it’s the soulful notes of a Brazilian samba echoing through the crowd, the elegance of a Venetian ball, or the brash joy of a New Orleans second line, there is a Mardi Gras for every traveler. And with each festival attended, you add a chapter to your own global saga.

So why wait? Let the vibrant colors of Mardi Gras around the world paint your next travel canvas. The revelry awaits!

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