Washington, D.C., is a wonderful place to visit. Here are some tips for tourists to remember when out and about, seeing the nation's capital.

No one wants to stick out as a badly behaved tourist, so here are some things to keep in mind when you're a visitor in D.C.

1. Stand on the right, walk on the left.

This applies to escalators and moving sidewalks. People will pass you on the left, so don't be surprised if you're jostled for being in their way.



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2. Traffic circles are a thing here.

If you can't be assertive enough to get through a traffic circle, then let someone else drive. Simple as that.

3. Tip, and tip well.

D.C. has a 10 percent tax on restaurant meals that can be a bit jarring to see on your larger tabs. Don't be surprised when you see this, and be sure to ask if you think that a gratuity may already be included in your exorbitant bill.


Great tip jar.. . #tipjar #tipjarhumor #tipthestaff

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4. Memorials are somber places here.

To some, war memorials are like cemeteries. You'll often find people visiting the memories of their loved ones in front of the various memorials around town. Be respectful and keep your children in check. They may be outside, but the war memorials should not be treated like play areas.


We will always remember #washingtondc #vietnamwarmemorial

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5. Food trucks are awesome.

Don't turn up your nose at the D.C. food truck scene. Some of the best combinations in the city can be found on four wheels. Most really popular trucks have their own Instagram or Twitter accounts to let you know where they'll be, so do your research!


My favorite #DCFoodTruck #jamaicancountrykitchen Friday’s at Farragut Sq.

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6. Half Smokes

A half smoke is a food, not a cigarette, and the best ones can be found at Ben's Chili Bowl. If you forget to have one while in town, there's a Ben's at Reagan National Airport, so you really have no excuse.

7. Location, location, location

D.C is really a series of neighborhoods. If a local tells you to go to Adams Morgan, they mean for you to take the Metro to the Adams Morgan stop and explore EVERYTHING. The best way to visit D.C. is to not limit yourself to single restaurants or landmarks, but to see it all through your own eyes.

Is there anything else you think tourists should know before coming to D.C.? Sound off in the comments!