The flight is booked, your bags are packed, and your rental car is confirmed. Here’s how to save money once you get there.

Vacations are a great way to escape and recharge from our busy lives, but they can also be expensive. You spent days and weeks watching for sales and coupon codes and got the best price on your flights and hotel rates. But that affordable vacation can quickly unravel the minute you arrive. These travel tips will help you save money on food, entertainment, and all the extras you’ll encounter on vacay.

Search Local Deals

Save on activities and excursions by searching sites like Living Social and Groupon ahead of your trip. These sites have deals on museums, amusement park tickets, sporting events, meals, and even spa treatments. Deal sites can also turn you onto local places you won’t find in a tourist guide. Read the fine print and make sure the deals don’t have blackout or expiration dates.

Dine Out Smart

Eating out on vacation can put a big dent in your wallet. Save money on expensive dinners by going out for lunch instead. Many restaurants offer the same dishes at lunch for a lower price, giving you the opportunity to experience great food without spending a lot. Swap high-priced room service for food delivery and takeout. Plan ahead by searching which delivery apps and nearby restaurants will deliver to your hotel. 

Map It Out

If you’re driving to your destination or renting a car, it’s a good idea to map your route. Mapping will tell you if your route has toll roads, closures, or frequent traffic snarls. Sites like Toll Guru can help you determine If your route has tolls and how much they cost. Make sure your existing toll pass is compatible, or order one online. Rental car companies are quick to sell you daily unlimited toll passes at high prices. If your route has limited or no tolls, skip the package. 

Buy Value Packages and Discounted Tickets

Popular tourist cities often have packages that include admission to three or more attractions for one price. You can also save on theme park tickets by purchasing discounted tickets through travel agencies, Costco, and government entities. 

Bring Your Own Snacks

Calm those nighttime munchies by bringing snacks and drinks with you. Stop at a local grocery store to buy food and water or bring food along if you’re driving. You can find free water stations at airports and tourist destinations, so bring a reusable bottle that you can fill up on the go. 

Keep Shopping in Check

Shopping is a favorite pastime for travelers of all ages. Keep your family from going nuts on vacation by setting limits. Agree on a budget for souvenirs and gifts with your kids before you enter a theme park or attraction, and hold firm. Remember that all those purchases will take up space and weight in your suitcase. For larger items, ask the store if they can be shipped directly to your house.

What is your favorite tip for saving money on vacation? Share with us in the comments!