Follow in the footsteps of the Sanderson Sisters as you visit the filming locations from the 1993 classic.

Hocus Pocus 2 has officially hit Disney+—and it's got us excited for the Halloween season! So much so, that we just want to cozy up in our PJs, have a sip (or two!) of some Witches Brew, and stream both Hocus Pocus movies back-to-back. But you know what also sounds just as amazing, if not even more so? Visiting the real-life filming locations of the original movie.

Yes, that's right. You can actually visit several different locations as seen in the original Hocus Pocus. Just don't wait 300 years for a virgin to light the black flame candle before you visit, as some of the locations aren't always accessible year-round to guests. Now, come—we fly!

Max and Dani's House

hocus pocus filming locations

We're starting off with this one first because we've got a bit of a disclaimer: this home is privately owned. If you do make the trip out to Salem, Massachusetts, just remember to be respectful. We're also not gonna list the address here ('cause privacy!). But we're sure you'll be able to find the address somewhere ... 

Allison's House

hocus pocus filming locations

"Rich people."

Located at 318 Essex St. in Salem, Massachusetts, Allison's mansion is definitely a must-visit stop on your Hocus Pocus trip! The Ropes Mansion, as it is officially called, is supposedly haunted. The historic landmark is open to the public, so get a tour in if you can!

Thackery Binx's House

hocus pocus filming locations

Nobody can forget the incredible opening scene of Hocus Pocus when Thackery Binx notices his sister Emily has gone missing and proceeds to run through the village in hopes of finding her. The village, known as Salem's Pioneer Village, is located in forest River Park in Salem, Massachusetts. While it looks to be built in the puritan years, it was actually built in the 1930s. It is open to the public, with guided tours available.

Jacob Bailey High School

hocus pocus filming locations

"It is a prison for children."

No longer in use, Phillips Elementary School served as Jacon Bailey High School in the movie. The school is located at 86 Essex St. in Salem, Massachusetts.

Old Burial Hill Cemetery

hocus pocus filming locations

A great hangout spot for the town's bullies, the real-life Old Burial Hill Cemetery served as the filming location for the introduction of Jay and Ernie—erm, we mean, ICE. Dating back to 1638, this historic cemetery is open to the public. Just be respectful, please. It's located in Marblehead, Massachusetts.

And there you have it! Are there any other Hocus Pocus filming locations we didn't mention on our list? Email us!

hocus pocus filming locations