If you've always wanted to work in the food service industry, this is the perfect opportunity for you! Sodexo will be taking applications and interviewing people onsite at this hands-on job fair.

It takes a special type of person to work with food. You have to be good with people, meticulous, and well-organized. If this sounds like you, brush off your resume and take a look at the job openings at Sodexo.

Event Details

WHEN: Monday, February 18, 2019 | 2:30-4:30 p.m.
WHERE: Chippenham Hospital - Cafeteria Sunroom | 7101 Jahnke Road | Richmond, VA

For more information, take a look at the event flyer.

How do I look for a job?

Simply go to this website and search for Richmond as the location. Take a look at all of the listings (there should be 14), and if one appeals to you, apply online. You will be prompted to create an account with an email address and fill out a general application form.

typing on laptop

How do I get an interview?

Only people who have applied online will receive interviews at the event.

If you are going in hopes of meeting with someone to discuss your application, be prepared and dress professionally. Remember, you only get one chance to make a first impression! 

If you don't have a resume yet, here are some great tips on how to put one together. Just keep it simple, and don't forget to have someone else help you proofread it. 

work conversation

Who is Sodexo?

They describe themselves as a leader in food services and facilities management, and Sodexo is EVERYWHERE. I've had friends start at Sodexo who have been with them for over a decade, often traveling to move up in the company. If you're looking to break into the food service industry, a large corporation like Sodexo is a great place to start.

Aside from this RVA job fair, you can view other Sodexo job openings on their website.

Are you looking for a job in Richmond? What is the job market like right now? Let us know what kind of opportunities you'd like to see in the comments below!

Hoping to work at Amazon's HQ2 up in Arlington? Here's how to apply for a job there!

and ...

Ocean City, Maryland, is hosting a job fair for their seasonal summer jobs in March. Learn more about that here!