Transport yourself to Vientiane as the Lao Heritage Foundation presents The Fabric of Lao Culture, the 14th Annual Gala on September 29 in Old Town Alexandria.

If you have ever been to Laos or just love sticky rice and Lao music, come out for the 14th Annual Lao Heritage Foundation Gala. Ticket prices include a full dinner buffet, a fashion show featuring Lao textiles, and displays by Lao-American artists. The requisite adorable children's recital portion of the event includes classic traditional dances, highlighting the work of the Foundation. This annual fundraiser supports the ongoing music, language, and dance education for the Lao-American youth in the DMV.

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WHEN: Saturday, September 29, at 6 p.m.
WHERE: The Durant Arts Center | 1605 Cameron Street in Alexandria, VA
TICKETS: $35 includes dinner buffet (cash bar available) and fashion show
DRESS: Cocktail attire or traditional Lao dress

In addition to the evening's fashion show and recital, various vendors will be offering Lao beverages, embroidered silk, upcycled textile creations, fine art, and books authored by Lao-American writers.

For more information about the event, visit the Lao Heritage Foundation Facebook page.

Have you ever been or would you like to visit Laos? What is your favorite thing about the Lao culture? Tell us in the comments below!

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