Have some last-minute shopping to do? You can't go wrong with the unique products on offer at the Holiday Pop-Up Market at Shopkeepers in D.C.

Channel your Small Business Saturday vibe at a holiday market this weekend. Gluten-free sweets, found clothing and objects, illustrations, plants, and more will be available at Shopkeepers, one of D.C.'s coolest spaces.

WHEN: Saturday, December 15, 2018 | 12-6 p.m.
WHERE: Shopkeepers | 1231 Florida Avenue NE in Washington, D.C.

Who will be there?

Maevine will be selling indoor plants, ceramics, and plant accessories. Take a look at the Maevine website to see some of their incredible installations and custom designs.

Courtesy of Maevine

Mama Sprinkles will have all of your grilled cheese needs covered with two versions: braised beef GC ($12) and Margarita GC ($8). For $5, you can get some of her amazing brownies, cookies, apple tart, caramel corn, peppermint bark, or made-from-scratch Funfetti cake. Yum!

Courtesy of Mama Sprinkles

Petal DC will be bringing you flowers and wreaths to cheer up your space. Who doesn't love a beautiful bouquet?

Courtesy of Petal DC

GF Cake Club will be there with gorgeous, delicious gluten-free sweets. For more information about their offerings and special ordering, visit the GF Cake Club website.

Courtesy of GF Cake Club

maganda pa will be there with their unique collection of found items and clothing. Check out their Instagram for the full range of items in their inventory. I love the way the looks are all styled to a T. Instant chic, anyone?

Ollie Mae is a talented D.C. artist and illustrator who will have some of her work for purchase. 

About the venue

Shopkeepers is a neighborhood shop, a gallery space, cafe, and boutique. Available for private events, it is a unique communal space in the heart of D.C.

Courtesy of Shopkeepers

Have you purchased anything from one of the vendors? Will you be heading to the pop-up this weekend? Let us know in the comments below!

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