Colorado Symphony will perform live score of the award winning movie, “La La Land”

Many of you have probably either heard of the Oscar-winning movie “La La Land” or you have already seen it. If just seeing the movie wasn’t enough for you, the Colorado symphony will be performing a live score alongside a screening this summer.La La Land “La La Land” was an absolute hit at the Oscars. Not only did it win Best Actress, Best Director, Best Song, Best Cinematography and Best Production Design, but also BEST SCORE. With an oscar-winning score, the performance is sure to be fantastic. Your very own Colorado Symphony will perform live score from the movie just for you!  


When: July 12th and 14th at 7:30p.m.

Where: Boettcher Concert Hall

Tickets went on sale Friday, March 3rd at 8 a.m. MST

Get your tickets here!

  Just in case you missed all of the hype…    

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