Remember this??

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Oh, 2019. How simple things were back then ... When one of the craziest things that took over social media was a controversial "Cocaine Santa" sweater. Good times, good times.

In case you don't remember, the "Let It Snow" Christmas sweater (aka the "Cocaine Santa" sweater) blew up on social media due to its questionable subject matter, which depicted the big jolly guy appearing to do lines of cocaine ... yes, really.

Walmart formally apologized and removed the sweater from its shelves, only to be picked up by Amazon—because, of course.

We can't tell you how excited we were to find out that, 3 years later, the ugly sweater is still available! And you can purchase it HERE for $25.15.

There are also a ton of other cocaine-themed Christmas sweaters available for purchase on Amazon if the Santa one doesn't quite do it for you.