Are you a more of a handmaid or a wife? Here's how to get the latest in Gilead chic, just in time for Halloween.

Get started now if you don't want to look like an off-market version of your favorite Handmaid's Tale character. You can buy or make any of these options, but you'd better get started soon before some of these items sell out. I have a feeling that HMT-themed costumes will be pretty hot this year, given that season finale!

A Wife

Wives in Gilead are restricted to that particular shade of teal that looks pretty good on almost anyone. Pair a simple teal dress with a conservative, swept-up hairdo and sensible pumps (nothing too high), and you've got a basic wife costume. Amp it up a bit with a fake finger prosthetic or a watering can purse, and you're all set!

Handmaid's Tale

This A-line teal dress would be a perfect wife outfit. Don't forget the low bun and natural makeup look!

A Handmaid

You've actually got quite a few options if you want to go out dressed like a handmaid. You can do the casual-at-home look that consists of a long red skirt, white cap, and red sweatshirt. If you're going for more of an outdoor-murder-time outfit, get a basic red dress, red cloak, and winged bonnet. Last but not least, you can go for a funeral day costume consisting of a red dress, black cloak, and black bonnet. All looks must be accompanied by sturdy brown boots. Under His eye.

Handmaid's Tale

If you're so inclined, the headgear isn't that hard to DIY. Here is a great tutorial on how to make a simple winged bonnet with just a bit of cloth, some felt, and basic sewing skills:

If you'd prefer to buy your bonnet (because really, who has the time?), here's a listing on Etsy for just $20. 

A Martha

Though it looks gray, Marthas actually wear a green outfit. You'll need some sort of light green top and long prairie skirt combination, covered with an apron and headscarf. If you can't get the right shade, a light gray outfit would be perfectly fine and immediately recognizable. Make sure your apron has pockets if you're going out, so you don't ruin the look with a purse. In a pinch, a wicker basket full of oranges and tuna would work, too.

Handmaid's Tale

An Aunt

If you want to dress like the character that everyone loves to hate, think brown. Head-to-toe brown is the look you're going for, with a belted brown dress and a long, chocolate-hued duster coat. A cattle prod, bootleg whiskey, and a perpetual frown are all acceptable accessories if you're going as Aunt Lydia this year.

handmaid's tale

Men have it easier in Gilead. A nice suit, slicked-back hair, and some insignias to dress like a commander, all black with tactical gear as an eye. Commanders also have their dressier-for-TV looks, complete with ceremonial cording across the left shoulder. You can find plain white upholstery cording at any fabric store and simply pin on a coil or two.

Handmaid's Tale

**All of the photos in this article are courtesy of Hulu.

The best thing about all of these costumes is that they all incorporate some kind of outerwear. You can find HMT-inspired cloaks all over Etsy, so you don't have to worry about ruining your look with a puffy coat. Blessed day!

Will you be dressing up as an HMT character this year? Which one, and what are you using for your costume? Let us know in the comments!