First-timer cosplayer? Or seasoned veteran?
Regardless of your cosplay experience, the following do's and don'ts are a must at any convention!

As many people around me know, I love to cosplay! I've been attending conventions and cosplaying since 2015, and during that time, I've definitely learned a few things. And with con season in full swing, I figured it'd be good to take some time and go over the do's and don'ts when it comes to cosplay—especially if you have a con drawing near!

Now, I want to preface this: I am, by no means, an expert in all things cosplay. Many of the following cosplay do's and don'ts come from personal experience.

Okay, now that we've gotten that out of the way, let's dive in!

Cosplay Do's and Don'ts Ahead of Your Next Convention:

  • Do cosplay as whoever or whatever you want to be. Remember, cosplay is for everyone

  • Don't feel like you must look exactly like the character you're portraying. You have every right to cosplay as a character you are passionate about. Full stop.

  • Do ask a cosplayer for a picture. After all, cosplay is consent.

  • Don't take someone's picture without their consent. Sneaking photos or videos of cosplayers without their permission is rude and unacceptable. If a cosplayer says "no" to a photo or video with you, respect their answer.

  • Do read through and ensure you understand the convention's rules before you attend. Every convention is different, so it's always a best practice to review them and obey them accordingly.

  • Don't break the rules at a convention or be disrespectful towards the staff, attendees, and vendors. Really, just be courteous and wary of those around you, and you'll be fine!

Are there any upcoming conventions we should be aware of? Email us!