Did you love the Korean horror thriller, "Squid Game?" Check out these inexpensive masks that will have you looking like you're part of the show.

Are you the strong, silent type? Go for a guard mask. Are you more of a flamboyant party animal? You'll want a VIP animal mask then. These iconic Squid Game outfits are very easy to recreate with things you probably already have in your closet.

The Guard Mask ($18.96)

To dress up your guard costume, you'll need one of these iconic guard masks. If you can't find a full jumpsuit, a red hoodie and sweats will do!

The Masked Man ($13.59)

This costume is a little more involved. Start with this distinctive mask, then add a sharp dark gray or black jacket with a hood. Remember to be mysterious when you're dressed as The Masked Man!

The VIP Mask ($14.99)

Pair this mask with an extravagant rich-guy outfit and be a VIP all night. You'll be instantly recognizable as a high roller, so have fake money spilling out of your pockets and a big cigar or magnum of champagne for your props.

The Creepy Doll Mask ($4.99)

One of the eeriest characters in the entire series, the Red-Light-Green-Light doll is another great option for a Halloween costume. This mask just needs a colorful pinafore and some cute pigtails to complete the look.

What do you think of these Squid Game-inspired masks? Will you be picking one up? Let us know in the comments.