The Denver Broncos released backup quarterback Chad Kelly on Wednesday.

Following first-degree trespassing charges on Tuesday night, the Denver Broncos have decided to cut ties with backup quarterback Chad Kelly. Kevin Hogan has been named the Broncos' backup to starter Case Keenum.

This move shows Broncos and football fans alike that no matter one's position within the organization, there's a zero tolerance policy in place. 

"This was a decision that we made as an organization," general manager John Elway said in a statement. "After reviewing all the information and in talking with Vance (Joseph) and Joe (Ellis), we agreed that releasing Chad was the right thing to do.

"Even though Chad's no longer part of our team, we've offered to help him however we can and are supportive of him in every possible way."

Details regarding the incident are far and few between, but the NFL Network has reported that, prior to Kelly's arrest, he had attended Von Miller's annual Halloween party at the Gothic Theatre, where he became involved in two separate altercations -- one with a guest attending the party and the other with the security detail hired for the evening.

According to court records, after leaving the western-themed party, Kelly broke into an Englewood home and was found sitting on a couch "mumbling incoherently." A woman and her young child were on the couch when Kelly entered the home. Another man, the homeowner, entered the room and approached the quarterback, striking him with an aluminum vacuum tube.

Kelly then left the home and returned to the party as it was wrapping up, and as he started to leave the theater, Englewood police apprehended and charged him with first-degree criminal trespass. He was released from the Broncos less than 24 hours later.

So, What Does This Mean for the Broncos?

We honestly don't know. At this point, anything could happen -- and we don't know whether for better or worse.

Many fans are displeased with Keenum and his performance this season, and with Kelly gone, it seems as if Hogan is our last hope. Hogan is expected to back up Keenum starting in Sunday's game against the Chiefs.

This huge change-up in the roster also begs the question of whether or not the Broncos will be looking to add a third quarterback again. And we don't have an answer for that either. We'll just have to see what the organization decides to do and go from there.

One thing is certain, however: The Broncos organization is making a clear statement -- the way one conducts himself matters, and the Broncos will not stand for their team's image and reputation being sullied. For a team that has struggled to win in the first half of the season, it's nice to see the leadership drawing a line in the sand -- if not the turf. And that can only be a positive thing.

What do you think? Is there a chance the Broncos could bring back Paxton Lynch? Why or why not? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

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