Between giving directions, serving drinks, and even competing in a ski competition, there's truly nothing the robots of the Winter Olympics can't do.

Olympic athletes aren't the only ones showing off their skills at this year's Winter Olympics. In fact, at PyeongChang, there's some new stars that are capturing the world by storm: high-tech robots. There are a total of 85 robots, varying across 11 different types, and their goal is to not only flaunt South Korea's technology to the world, but to give a fun, high-tech spin to the Games. And from the looks of things, they're doing just that. From participating in a robotic ski competition to serving drinks, cleaning the halls of the Main Press Center, and giving directions, you can't walk very far around the Olympic grounds without coming in contact with one of them. "Foreign guests in particular have been showing a keen interest in the cleaning robots, taking pictures, and asking questions," a staff member told The Korea Herald. "Because they aren't used to seeing robots being used in their daily surroundings, many of the international visitors have been asking us whether this is typical in South Korea."

Meet the Robots:

Torch-Bearing Droids Back in December, several droids helped carry the Olympic torch -- a humanoid robot drove a car and punched a wall before passing the torch along to its creator, and then a humanoid riding robot was piloted by a teenager. Seriously, it was quite the spectacle! Mascot Bots This year's mascot -- the Soohorang, a white tiger -- will be around the grounds but in robot form. This bot can dance, provide translation, and even take pictures with visitors. [caption id="attachment_33732" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]olympics Courtesy of Ed Jones | Getty Images[/caption] Cleaning/Service Robots These robots are reminiscent of the droids seen inĀ Star Wars, like R2-D2 and BB-8. They're equipped with brushes and are in charge of making sure the Main Press Center is as clean as possible. The robots can clean 900 square meters ever hour, and through autonomous driving tech, they're able to avoid running into people as they clean. [caption id="attachment_33731" align="aligncenter" width="650"]olympics Courtesy of Sohn Ji-young | The Korea Herald[/caption] Robofish Yep. There's robotic fish too. Located in the Olympic Plaza and International Broadcast Center, these robots are covered in waterproof skin and have sensors that allow them to dive up to five meters. The robofish are based on the koi and sea bream. [caption id="attachment_33736" align="aligncenter" width="650"]olympics Courtesy of Sohn Ji-young | The Korea Herald[/caption] Skiing Robots The world's first robot skiing competition was held on February 11 next to the Olympic village. Watch the video below to get a glimpse of the action! What do you think of the robots? Are there other Winter Olympic competitions you'd like to see the robots participate in? Let us know in the comments below, and let's get the conversation started.

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