No Super Bowl game is complete without commercials. Those 30-second ads are why most Americans even watch the game, myself included. So, to prepare for the big game on February 11, we've compiled a list of the 10 best Super Bowl commercials of all time. (Lots of Budweiser commercials have aired over the years!) And hey, maybe make a drinking game out of it?

View the list below to see if your favorite commercial is included!

Cocoa-Cola – Mean Joe Green (1979)

Budweiser – 9/11 Tribute (2011)

Mountain Dew – Puppy Monkey Baby (2016)

Budweiser – "Bud," "Weis," "Er" (1995)

Doritos – House Rules (2010)

EDS – Herding Cats (2000)

Snickers – Betty White (2010)

Reebok – Terry Tate, Office Linebacker (2003)

Budweiser – Puppy Love (2014)

Pepsi – Your Cheating Heart (1996)