Nearly six years after surviving the Aurora theater shooting, Zach Golditch is ready to take the NFL by storm with the Los Angeles Chargers.

Zach Golditch, 23, an offensive lineman at Colorado State University, has signed on with the Los Angeles Chargers as a free agent. He is also a survivor of the Aurora theater shooting. When Golditch was 17, he attended a midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises at the Century Aurora 16 movie theater on July 20, 2012, when a gunman opened fire. A bullet traveled through the wall of the theater, and Golditch was struck on the left side of his neck; it entered under his ear and exited out the back. Had the bullet entered a fraction of an inch in the other direction, his story would be very different.
"I was a 17-year-old kid going to see a movie, next thing you know I might not have come home that night. For me to still be able to play football, to be able to be a normal person and an able-bodied person is great," Golditch told USA Today Sports. "I take nothing for granted. This opportuity to continue to live my life today is amazing."
Despite all of that, he was able to play the following season at Gateway High School and even earned a scholarship to CSU. "I never stopped and realized this is part of my story. I shouldn't push that away, because what I hold on to right now is a story, not just about myself, but about everyone else," Golditch said. "I can carry that and represent them through what I do and how I carry myself. I have to embrace it." Golditch is one of three CSU players to sign as free agents. His teammates, Trent Sieg and Detrich Clark, signed with the Baltimore Ravens and Atlanta Falcons, respectively. Through all of the struggles, Golditch has found a new home in the NFL and is ready to show off his resiliency and strength. Congratulations, Zach! We look forward to seeing the leaps and bounds you'll be taking -- even though you signed with the Chargers. ;) What do you think? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below, and let's get the conversation started.

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